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Acronym Full Credit Type Name
AAPC American Academy of Professional Coders
CA California Board of Registered Nurses
CBSPD Certification Board for Sterile Processing and Distribution, Inc.
CCMC Commission for Case Manager Certification
CRCE Continuing Respiratory Care Education
HSPA (formerly IAHCSMM) Healthcare Sterile Processing Association
NCCT National Center for Competency Testing
ASRT American Society of Radiologic Technologists


All 163 Results

Credit CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

The increased need to navigate to areas impossible to locate through touch, and an increased focus on oncoplastic approaches, have led to the development of several wire-free localization techniques that alleviate some of the evidence-based disadvantages of wire-guided localization. This program aims to educate a broader audience on the latest localization techniques for breast conservation surgery with a specific focus on Radar Localization.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

This learning activity will focus on the stages of peripheral artery disease, best medical treatment options based on current guidelines, and various endovascular and surgical revascularization techniques, such as stenting, atherectomy, and thrombectomy.

Credits ASRT:2.0

This learning activity will focus on the stages of peripheral artery disease, best medical treatment options based on current guidelines, and various endovascular and surgical revascularization techniques, such as stenting, atherectomy, and thrombectomy.

Credits CA:1.0

Instances of accidental burns have been documented. Moreover, reports of burns resulting from prolonged exposure to traditional surgical lighting, particularly before the adoption of light emitting diode (LED) technology. This educational activity will identify patient risks associated with surgical lights and strategies for enhancing patient safety.

Credit CA:1.0

Early mobilization is a key component for optimizing patient outcomes in the ICU. A standardized progressive mobility protocol provides an outline to develop and implement evidence-based interventions that will improve patient mobilization safely and effectively. Phases of mobilization described in this eLearning include goals and interventions to consider for safely progressing mobilization of the patient.

Credits CA:1.0, NCCT:1.0

Safe patient handling when positioning a patient is not only important for staff safety as it is for patient safety through the appropriate use of equipment and ergonomics. This course will review best practices for safe patient handling, a culture of safety, and proper ergonomics while positioning a patient in the operating room and how to mitigate occupational injury.

Credit CA:1.0

OR integration (ORI) systems are designed to simplify and streamline the OR by consolidating data, access to video, and controls for all devices through a central console, allowing perioperative personnel to perform many tasks efficiently, without needing to move around the OR, and while ensuring optimum patient safety.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

In this educational activity, the role of common AF risk factors and biomarkers prediction of incident AF will be summarized. Current treatment options based on the latest clinical evidence for the management of AF will be discussed, including patient identification, indications for use and risks. Finally, recommendations from leading clinical guidelines will be reviewed.

Credits: ASRT: 1.75

In this educational activity, the role of common AF risk factors and biomarkers prediction of incident AF will be summarized. Current treatment options based on the latest clinical evidence for the management of AF will be discussed, including patient identification, indications for use and risks. Finally, recommendations from leading clinical guidelines will be reviewed.

Credits CA:1.0, NCCT:1.0

This continuing education reviews common surgical positioning injuries, high-risk surgical positions, and how team collaboration and communication can help prevent patient harm. Strategies, techniques, and evidence-based guidelines for steep deep Trendelenburg, prone, beach chair, and lateral positions are covered.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

Heat discomfort experienced by OR team members can contribute to diminished workflow efficiency and barriers preventing optimal team collaboration. This continuing education activity will describe the unique challenges associated with heat in the operating room and how it affects the surgical team.

Credits CA:1.0

The ICU patient population is at increased risk for pulmonary complications that can be mitigated with proper risk awareness, early intervention, and use of adjunct technology. This educational activity will provide key learnings needed to support the ICU pulmonary patient from multiple angles and you'll leave empowered to actively anticipate and participate in improving outcomes in your pulmonary ICU patient population.

Credits CA:1.0

Decreasing hospital acquired pressure injury (HAPI) has been an ongoing battle for the ICU care team. This educational activity will provide baseline knowledge needed to identify high risk pressure injury patients in the ICU. You’ll learn what extrinsic and intrinsic risk factors are unique to the ICU patient which increases their risk for pressure injury. The latest research and evidence-based interventions needed to improve HAPI rates in the ICU will be reviewed, along with various types of technology available to help you in the mission of protecting your patient’s skin.

Credits CA:2.0, NCCT:2.0

Review the process of normal wound healing, as well as the consequences of delayed healing, and the techniques and products used to promote successful healing. The pathogenesis and consequences of adhesion formation are also explained in this course, followed by a discussion of the methods used to prevent adhesions.

Credits CA:1.5, NCCT:1.5

This ebook is intended to supplement education and training of vascular vessel mapping protocols for creation of an endovascular arteriovenous fistula (endoAVF) utilizing the approach with dual magnetic catheters and application of radiofrequency energy to create an endoAVF (dual catheter system) anastomosis.

Supported by Center for Perioperative Leadership

Gen Z Who? Despite being often grouped with Millennials, Gen Z is a unique cohort with distinct values, communication preferences, and expectations regarding work. Gain key insights around integrating Gen Z into your team, adjusting your management tactics, and tactics to help you lead a multigenerational workforce.

No Credit

Patient lifts play a crucial role in healthcare settings, assisting in the safe transfer of patients from one place to another, such as from a bed to a wheelchair. Explore the use of the Viking lift to assist in caring and supporting your patients. Every day, you tailor care and support for each of your unique patients.

No credit

Learn how to use the Sabina Sit-to-Stand Patient left. The Sabina Sit-to-Stand Patient Lift helps you transfer patients to and from the bed, chair, and toilet by lifting them from sitting to a standing position.

No Credit

As part of a safe patient handling and mobility program, overhead lifts can help you mobilize patients earlier and often — and help mitigate complications from immobility. This ceiling mounted patient lift can help improve patient outcomes - including few falls and shorter lengths of stay in the hospital/ICU.

No Credit

Explore the use of the Likorall UltraTwin® Lift System to assist in caring and supporting your patients. This system provides a comfortable and easily adjustable way to transfer and care for bariatric patients and helps to protect caregivers from injury.

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