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Georgia Hospitals and ASCs Bracing for 1.45% 'Bed Tax' - This Just In
Is There a Rising Tide of Bowel Prep Lawsuits? - This Just In - March,
Nude Before-and-After Photos Spur Lawsuit - This Just In - March, 2010
Healthcare Reform Bill Puts Physician-Owned Hospitals in Peril - This
Accountant Bilks Ambulatory Surgery Foundation Out of $373K - This Jus
NYU Docs: MRSA Screening and Decolonization Is Worth the Cost - This J
Healthcare Reform Passes: Now What? - This Just In - March, 2010
Texas Supreme Court Upholds Malpractice Reform Law - This Just In - Ma
Auto Insurer Claims Chicago Pain Docs Marked Up Fees - This Just In -
Inspectors Find Improperly Cleaned Equipment at Puerto Rico VA Clinics
AORN: Do Not Launder Scrubs at Home - This Just In - March, 2010
Did Outsourcing Co. Misrepresent Itself as ASC to Insurer? - This Just
FDA Warning: Fake Surgical Mesh - This Just In - March, 2010
Pa. Hospital Threatens to Pink Slip Hand Hygiene Offenders - This Just
ACG President Chides Obama's Virtual Colonoscopy - This Just In - Marc
ASC Association President Kathy Bryant Steps Down - This Just In - Mar
Making the Best of a Robotic Breakdown - This Just In - March, 2010
How Confidential Is Your Accreditation Survey? - This Just In - March,
She Said, He Said in Texas Pain Clinic Sexual Harassment Suit - This J
To See or Not to See During Laparoscopy - This Just In - March, 2010