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CMS Forum Seeks Input on ASC Value-Based Purchasing Program - This Jus
Study: Radio Frequency Detection Reduces Retained Sponge Risk - This J
New Web-Based Map Highlights Physician Shortages - This Just In - Octo
Hospital Ordered to Pay $40K in Whistleblower Retaliation Suit - This
Surgeon, Government Not Liable for Wrong-Site Breast Surgery - This Ju
When Surgeons Slow Down, It's a Signal - This Just In - October, 2010
Ill. Surgery Center to Transfer Ownership to Hospital Partner - This J
Texas Jury Awards Patient $4M in Bowel Perforation Suit - This Just In
Retained Object Suit: Whose Sponge Was It? - This Just In - September,
Colorado Opts Out of Physician Supervision Rule for CRNAs [UPDATED] -
Specialization, High Case Volumes Improve ASCs' Patient Outcomes - Thi
AAOS: Vertebroplasty Not Recommended for Back Pain - This Just In - Se
Feds Charge N.Y. Doctor With $3.5M Medicare Fraud Scheme - This Just I
William Prentice Named Executive Director of ASC Association - This Ju
Full Coverage for Screening Colonoscopy Begins Today - This Just In -
ASCA to Announce New Executive Director - This Just In - September, 20
Hospital May Be Liable for Death of Addicted Surgeon's Patient - This
OR Nursing Pioneer Retires at Age 80 - This Just In - September, 2010
Jury Sides With Anesthesiologist Who Performed Spine Surgery - This Ju
2 Dead, Surgeon Wounded in Hospital Shooting - This Just In - Septembe