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Put to the Test: Safety Scalpels in Action - Outpatient Surgery Magazi
Safety - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - January, 2011
Readers to the Rescue - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - January, 2011
The Hidden Benefits of Going Paperless - Outpatient Surgery Magazine -
A "Do Not Disturb" Sign for Medication Handlers - This Just In - Janua
Orthopedic Surgeons Needed for Volunteer Mission to Nicaragua - This J
Watch This: ASC-Produced Videos Promote Patient Safety, Infection Prev
Endo Center "Greasers" Remind Patients to Schedule Screenings - This J
Seven More Hospitals Settle in Kyphoplasty Fraud Case - This Just In -
Court: Cheated-On Husband Can't Sue Over Surgeon-Tech Affair - This Ju
What Technology Hazards Lurk in Your ORs? - This Just In - January, 20
Indiana Hospital Not Liable in Elbow-Replacement Case - This Just In -
Hospital Cleared After Accidental Patient Overdose - This Just In - De
Save Time When Patients Dilate Themselves - This Just In - December, 2
Nurse Claims Surgeon Drugged and Sexually Harassed Her During Bizarre
Joint Commission Investigating Botched Knee Replacement at Hospital -
Court: Patient May Pursue Malpractice Claim Over Electrosurgery Burn -
As Spinal Fusion Volume Grows, So Do Profits for Surgeons & Device Mak
Surgical Team Not Liable for Death of Hip Replacement Patient Who Suff
CMS: History & Physical Can Be Performed on Day of Surgery - This Just