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Behind Closed Doors - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - August, 2011
Don't Flash Without a Flash Sterilization Container - Outpatient Surge
4 Ways to Reduce Inhalational Anesthesia Costs - Ambulatory Anesthesia
Safety - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - August, 2011
Letters & E-mails - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - August, 2011
Court Backs $9.9M Award in Pain Pump Overdose Case - This Just In - Au
Nasal Dressing Death Lawsuit Settled for $350K - This Just In - August
"Dirty Scope" Defense Allowed in Hepatitis C Outbreak Lawsuits - This
Hemophiliac Tech Sues Over Medical Leave Firing - This Just In - Augus
Court Holds Surgeon Responsible for $1M Settlement Share - This Just I
Hospital Strips Disruptive Surgeon of Privileges for a Year - This Jus
Mass. Medical Center Prevails in Flawed Flooring Suit - This Just In -
Joint Replacement Surgery Increases Risk of Blood Clot Formation in Ce
A Patient's Sex, Age Influences Perception of Pain - This Just In - Ju
Smith & Nephew Merges Endo, Ortho Divisions - This Just In - July, 201
Can Isoflurane Reduce Brain Damage After Stroke? - This Just In - July
Managing Neural Dysfunction From Regional Anesthesia - This Just In -
American College of Surgeons Supports ASC Reimbursement Reform Bill -
What Makes an Alcohol-Based Hand Rub More Effective? - This Just In -
Have Your Hand Hygiene Improvements Hit a Plateau? - This Just In - Ju