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Massachusetts hospitals are reporting increasing numbers of surgical errors.
Infection Prevention: Video's Starring Role in Better Hand Hygiene - O
New products that will look great in your ORs.
Medicare's proposed rule for 2014 payment rates would increase hospital outpatient reimbursements by 1.8% and ASC reimbursements by 0.9%.
Staffing: The Art of the Employee Interview - Outpatient Surgery Magaz
Editor's Page: Another Photo Bomb - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - July
Ideas that work, warm OR bed sheets before the patient arrives.
Physician Relations: Make Your New Docs Feel Welcome - Outpatient Surg
Anesthesia Alert: Anesthesia for the Pregnant Patient - Outpatient Sur
Ideas that work, new shoulder anthroscopy reporting rules.
Coding & Billing: 10 Things Insurers Don't Want You to Know - Outpatie
Innovations in Gastroenterology - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - July,
Smooth Operations: Using Technology to Streamline Admissions - Outpati
Ideas that work, a visual reminder to prevent wrong site surgery.
Behind Closed Doors: Going to the Dogs - Outpatient Surgery Magazine -
Do's and Don'ts of Immediate-Use Sterilization - Outpatient Surgery Ma
Ideas that work, a tip to share with patients to wash Bacitracin out of hair.
Thinking of Buying ... Ophthalmic Safety Blades - Outpatient Surgery M
Retained Object Leads to Malpractice Suit - This Just In - July, 2013
Contract Physician Can't Sue Hospital For Discrimination - This Just I