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Lawsuit: Nurse Injures Back While Preventing Patient from Sliding Off
The laryngeal mask airway has revolutionized anesthesia care. Explore best practices, proper care and use of LMAs.
Pain management: Ensure the safety and satisfaction of your chronic pain patients with these tips.
Protect patients and staff by following these basic protocols to prevent surgical fires. Three basic precautions keep the flames from flying in your ORs.
Color-coded carts keep supplies separated. An Idea that Works from a hospital in North Carolina.
Clear hand signals that let everyone know that a patient is ready to be rolled back, an Idea That Works from a surgical center in Texas.
Personal safety: a powerful case for double gloving. Four evidence-based reasons for double gloving might convince your team to try it.
Video Laryngoscopes, are they the standard of care? An online poll revealed that many think they will be, at least during challenging intubations.
Business Advisor: Are you ready for ACOs? Act now and keep yuor surgery center relevant in helthcare's changing landscape.
Surgical Benchmarks: Does your surgical facility measure up? Here are the top 10 most meaningful benchmarks to your surgical business.
Saving unused blue towels is a green option. An Idea that Works from a surgery center in South Carolina.
Product News: Great ideas for your OR including disposable laryngoscope blade, ultrasonic disinfection, manual suction device, phacoemulsification technology platform, endoscopic catheter, and clear fast liquid.
Direct-to-patient marketing? Our Editor-in-Chief reviews The Total Joint Center at Springfield (Pa.) Hospital. Need hip or knee replacement surgery, why not be comfortable?
Legal Update: Test your Human Resources IQ. 10 common problem areas in the constantly changing labor and employment laws.
The Porn Star Who Wanted to Be a Surgical Tech - This Just In - Octobe
Regional Anesthesia: 8 keys to success with continuous nerve blocks. CPNBs are a popular part of multimodal analgesia, minimize delays and complications.
Cutting remarks: Help, My Equipment's on the Fritz. Humor in the OR from Dr. Kelly.
Infection Control: Could anesthesia providers be spreading infections? Ask yourself these few questions to see if your patients are at risk.
Remoisten ECG pads with drops of saline. An Idea that Works from a Healthcare Centre in Vancouver, Canada.
Total Joints at a Freestanding ASC? Why Not? - Promotion Pieces - May,