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Unobstructed view. Technology and techniques to help your laparoscopic surgeons see better.

Last one out cleans the OR. These 6 keys to terminal cleaning will leave your facility spotless after a hard day's work.

Rules of reprocessing: lumened instruments. Get back to the basics to properly sterilize these complex instruments.

Keep kids comfortable and entertained before surgery with these Ideas That work from Massachusetts and California.

The trouble with transvaginal mesh. Why did the FDA ever approve a product that has injured thousands of women? There's plenty of blame to go around.

Lawsuit: anesthesia team ordered to skimp on anesthesia to speed patient discharge. Were doctors instructed to go light on sedatives and pain meds to move patients along? Fired anesthesiologist says his patient safety concerns were met with retaliation, a

Doctors sue AmSurg for blocking their plans for new ASC. Surgeons who signed non-compete clause after they sold out to corporate partner want to open their own surgical center.

Ortho docs debate newly developed surgery on newly discovered ligament. Is the anterolateral ligament, which runs along the outside of knee, the key to successful ACL repair?

Report: Olympus told U.S. executives not to warn hospitals about contaminated scopes. In internal e-mails, Olympus told U.S. managers not to issue a warning about the superbug outbreak.

Physician charged with multiple felonies in providing drugs to woman he met on Sean Fogler, MD, allegedly provided heroin, fentanyl, propofol, Percocet and other drugs to a woman he met through an online dating website.

Teaming up over total joints. A hospital and an ASC discover collaboration beats competition.

Time for new power tools? Look for these essential features when you upgrade.

The past and future of outpatient joints. Q&A with Richard Berger, MD, hip and knee replacement pioneer.

Surgery's hottest trend: same-day joint replacement. The Andrews Institute ASC has realized the many benefits of adding outpatient total joints.

Near-perfect pain control. Inside a surgical hospital's multimodal regimen.

Is robotic-assisted joint replacement for you? The technology produces better outcomes and could send patients flocking to your center.

Fed up with fluid waste? Capture arthroscopy's runoff before it makes a mess of your ORs.

Up and running with uni knees. Adding partial replacements is a great way to launch an outpatient joint program.

Orthopedic positioning pointers in photos. When procedures call for you to suspend limbs, articulate joints and hyperextend necks, injuries are just waiting to happen.

Shopping for safer tourniquets. These features help prevent pressure-related injuries and other potentially serious complications.

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