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Your entire self-worth is wrapped up in your job. You always feel on the brink of physical or mental collapse. And of course, you keep these feelings bottled up inside....

From biological indicators to sterilization containers, here’s a breakdown of the latest weapons you can add to your bug-busting arsenal as part of a bundled approach...

Small pupils are a sizable concern for your cataract surgeons. They increase the risk of serious complications, including damage to the iris, capsular tears, vitreous loss,...

I didn't think much about the slip-resistant socks we used to throw away after patients were done with them — until, that is, I underwent surgery myself at our hospital. It struck me...

Self-Care: 8 Steps to Make Self-Care Part of Your Routine; Simple practices to keep yourself on your priority list.

Thinking of Buying... Patient Warming Devices; Exploring the many ways to prevent hypothermia.

Ideas That Work: Perpetual Inventory; Bin Rotation System Keeps Supplies Constantly Replenished

Staffing: 8 Scheduling Tips to Make Staffing Easier; Late differentials, staggered start times and other creative solutions.

10 Hot, New Anesthesia Products; Highlights from the exhibit hall at the American Society of Anesthesiologists.

Your Attention, Please: Time for a Time-Out; Before you can take a safety pause, you have to get the surgical team's attention.

Ideas That Work: Skin Care; Adhesive Removal: Go Low and Slow

Safety: Need Help Establishing a Culture of Safety? This survey self-assessment tool will identify areas of needed improvement.

How to Optimize Knee Replacements; Focus on these essential elements to send patients home happy and healthy.

Ideas That Work: Staff Satisfaction; Organized OR Turnovers? Check!

The Path to OR Integration; 5 tips on making an efficient and effective transition.

Ideas That Work: Puppet Show; Toby the Puppy Greets Pediatric Patients

Ideas That Work: First-Name Basis; Embroidered Scrub Caps Make Close-Knit Teams

Behind Closed Doors: All We Want for Christmas; Santa's going to need a bigger sleigh to hold these presents.

Reimbursement Update: Medicare Payment Rule a Big Win for ASCs; Breaking down the good news for ambulatory surgical centers.

Ideas That Work: Pull, Aim, Squeeze and Sweep; Can Your Staff Use A Fire Extinguisher?

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