Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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Running a lean and mean surgical facility is more important than ever during COVID-19, so why should you buy premixed and prelabeled syringes from a compounding...

My family is firmly in the camp of taking the coronavirus threat seriously. Although I am beginning to venture away from home more often these days, masked and sanitized,...

Believe it or not, there is some good news about the coronavirus. It's an enveloped virus, meaning it's very easy to kill on hard surfaces. Of course, there are a lot of surfaces...

Staff can feel disconnected from the decisionmakers who determine how facilities are run. Giving them an opportunity to have their voices heard and speak openly with...

Robotic assistance has revolutionized prostate removal. It's a far better option than removing the gland through a large incision, which can cause significant blood loss...

Earlier this year, Buffalo Surgery in Amherst, N.Y., Center was humming along as usual. More than 30 physicians packed its ORs and procedure rooms with 1,500 cases...

Orthopods are surgery's carpenters, cutting and drilling into bone as they stabilize loose structures, repair broken parts and replace aging joists, er joints. Like any master...

Last month, as peaceful protests and violent opposition took over American cities following George Floyd's murder, surgical professionals around the country began to...

When the American Cancer Society recommended colonoscopy screenings should start at age 45 instead of age 50 last May, you might have wondered how you were going to...

After gynecological procedures such as hysterectomies, surgeons place vaginal packing to stop excessive bleeding. But how are physicians and even patients to know that...

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