Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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If you doubt the contention that it can take years — or even decades — for evidence to trickle into clinical practice, look no further than the lack of progress in implementing...

Surgeons are elite athletes in the operating room. They remain focused while executing precise maneuvers with complex instrumentation, and push through the pain of fatigued muscles...

Patients who have their knees and hips replaced at Yale Medicine in New Haven, Conn., are ready to head home the day of surgery in large part because they’re given shots...

Total hip replacement is a life-changing operation. Patients who were once riddled with pain are able to move about freely and return to their routine activities. Efforts to ensure...

RaDonda Vaught stood in silence next to her attorney, seemingly resigned to her fate as the jury rendered its verdict. Guilty of gross neglect of an impaired adult. ...

Mistakes are bound to happen. I’ve made my share, especially during countdowns to print deadlines when page proofs are flying, stress levels are rising and the clock...

It’s been more than two years since COVID-19 was officially declared a pandemic. Well, technically, when this issue went to print, it has been two years, 18 days and four hours,...

Cumberland Pharmaceuticals’ Caldolor, an IV formulation of ibuprofen, is now FDA approved for preoperative use. When given before surgery, the non-narcotic pain reliever...

The dexterity needed to advance the catheter once you’re in the vein when placing an IV line is a fine motor movement that isn’t commonly used, so it takes plenty of practice to develop. To master the technique, hold a pen like...

When New Tampa Surgery Center Nurse Manager Beth Hoy, MSN, RNFA, ON-C, CNOR, scrubs cases, she takes meticulous notes on the techniques and preferences of each surgeon. She turns her notes into surgeon- and case-specific...

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