Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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Business Advisor: Are you ready for ACOs? Act now and keep yuor surgery center relevant in helthcare's changing landscape.

Saving unused blue towels is a green option. An Idea that Works from a surgery center in South Carolina.

Surgical Benchmarks: Does your surgical facility measure up? Here are the top 10 most meaningful benchmarks to your surgical business.

Pain management: Ensure the safety and satisfaction of your chronic pain patients with these tips.

Personal safety: a powerful case for double gloving. Four evidence-based reasons for double gloving might convince your team to try it.

Clear hand signals that let everyone know that a patient is ready to be rolled back, an Idea That Works from a surgical center in Texas.

The laryngeal mask airway has revolutionized anesthesia care. Explore best practices, proper care and use of LMAs.

Ideas That Work: Alert Clasps - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Septembe

11 GI Efficiency-Boosters You Can Implement Today - Outpatient Surgery

Product News - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - September, 2013

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