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Try this Idea That Works to measure sedation, depth of breathing and rate of breathing on sedated patients.
Product News
See the best new products in ophthalmology. Our cataract surgeon's nominations for the hottest products on display in the ASCRS exhibit hall.
Legal update: Are you hip to HIPAA? Ignorance is no defense when it comes to protected health information.
Safety: What good are surgical safety checklists? They're effective only if your team uses them -- and uses them properly.
Let's get serious about sharps safety. I'm on a quest to eliminate cuts and needlesticks from the OR. Are you ready to join me?
Ideas That Work:??? Signs of the Times Improve Hand Hygiene - Outpatie
Guaranteed delivery of sterilized sets. Our crosscheck program verifies that wrapped and rigid instrument trays arrive in the OR ready for use.
Avoid product trial headaches with this Idea That Works from Montgomery, Ala.
Get pants over a bulky bandaged foot with this Idea That Works from Oradell, New Jersey.