Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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Do your surgeons and staff place their rings on a necklace or tie them to their scrub pants during a case? Now they can secure their rings to their bra straps with the Joleo...

If you're like most surgery center administrators, you started out as a hospital OR circulator, an apprenticeship that didn't come close to preparing you for all the hats...

Kids like to drive electric cars to the OR. Older patients prefer the quiet ride of a motorized stretcher chair that transforms from seat to transport stretcher to OR...

It's human nature to want to apologize. When we cut someone off in traffic, when we forget to follow up on an email, when we say something that we shouldn't have,...

After the grind of the interview process, it's exciting when you find a nurse who will be a great addition to your team. You're hoping the person will blend well with...

You make every effort to ensure your patients’ comfort for the few hours that they pass through your facility, but what about your surgeons and staff? Like gladiators,...

We set out to walk the massive exhibit floor of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) conference, but we never got very far before a cool, new product...

Whether you’re looking to relieve the pre-procedure anxiety of your patients or to help your staff through trying or stressful times, consider adding a furry...

Every year, physicians perform millions of off-label epidural steroid injections (ESI) to treat neck and back pain — despite the risk of rare but serious and sometimes fatal...

Earlier this year, we performed a trigger finger and carpal tunnel surgery live on our Facebook page. The idea stemmed from a simple goal: We wanted to give our...

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