Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2020 Issues

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Business Advisor - 7 Strategies to Get Paid for Implants - Outpatient

Battling Superbugs with the Basics - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Jul

5 Questions to Ask Your Laundry Service - Outpatient Surgery Magazine

10 Products You Can't Live Without - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Jul

Amazed & Amused - Turn Up the Tunes in the Operating Room - Outpatient

How Wireless Can We Go? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - July, 2012

OIG to Surgeons: 'Hands Off Anesthesia Fees!' - Outpatient Surgery Mag

Editor's Page - Money for Nothing - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - July

Cutting Remarks - The Enforcer - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - July, 2

Staffing - Hybrid Approach to Anesthesia Staffing - Outpatient Surgery

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