Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2020 Issues

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8 Keys to eye instrument care. Protect your investments and ensure patient safety with these proven practices.

Can EMRs improve patient care? The answer might surprise you.

Editor's Page: Staying upright in the OR. Fallproof your operating rooms before another person hits the deck.

Basics of blocks. Everything you need to place ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve blocks.

Test your patient warming know-how. Let's hear your answers to these 7 questions.

Behind Closed Doors: Things that make you go hmmm. I don't stay in one OR for long, but I don't miss much while I'm there.

Locate your autoclave printout easily with this Idea That Works from Gainseville, Georgia.

Keep cords under control with a shower curtain rod. An Idea That Works from Santa Monica, California.

Ask the Etiquette Doctor: Which side does the fork go on again? Here's an easy way to remember which utensils to use.

Save money on suction tubing with this Idea That Works from Sellersville, Pennsylvania.

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