Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2020 Issues

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7 colonoscopy upgrades worth considering. The latest colonoscopes and viewing aids promise to improve screenings.

The Surgeons' Lounge: phone etiquette. 10 tips for cell phone use in the OR.

Cutting Remarks: Escaping the insurance labyrinth. Some days it feels as if there's no way out.

Don't overlook these ophthalmic innovations. You can solve cataract surgery complications and improve efficiency without breaking the bank.

Staff safety. An effort to increase smoke evacuation helped protect the staff at Allegiance Health.

Convince your staff to get flu shots with this Idea That Works from Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

Patient warming's not-so-obvious benefits. Happier patients are just the beginning.

Behind Closed Doors: Orchids & onions. The highlights and lowlights of life in the OR.

Get an idea why surgery doesn't start on time using this Idea That Works from Dallas, Texas.

Thinking of Buying ... Stretcher Chairs. Treat, transfer and transport patients all on one contorting chair.

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