Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2020 Issues

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Safety: Blue dye mix-up blinds patient. OR mistook methylene blue, which is toxic to the eyes, for trypan blue.

7 ways to use smartphones and tablets in the OR. Your crash course on using mobile devices at your facility.

How clean are your OR surfaces? There's a lot involved and a lot at stake.

Staffing: 6 creative staffing solutions. Tips to keep your key people productive and satisfied.

Anesthesia Alert: Acing the pre-operative anesthesia evaluation. The right approach can go a long way toward eliminating anxiety.

Facilitate the flow of secondary drugs with this Idea That Works from Whittier, California.

Thinking of Buying ... HD Video displays? The latest models offer a lot more than incredibly sharp pictures.

IVs won't back up when using this Idea That Works from Virginia Beach, Virginia.

The Surgeons' Lounge: Blog review A Scrubs Life

Alternative uses for peripheral nerve blocks. These innovations show regional anesthesia's not just for surgery.

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