Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2020 Issues

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Outpatient Total Joints: A growth opportunity? More and more facilities are adding outpatient total joints -- should you be one of them?

Surgeons' Lounge: Employment law. Will fired employees come back to haunt you?

Product news including; drawMD, EnteroMedics, Cannulated PediGuard, Intelliguard RFID Smart Drawer, Narrow Band Imaging (NBI), and Seamless MD.

Surgeons' Lounge: Conversation with L. Michael Brunt, MD. The future of surgery is less invasive

6 patient safety enhancers. Give your staff the tools they need to prevent harm.

Medical Malpractice: Are you getting the full picture on your docs? You have to look long and hard to verify a physician's credentials.

Prepare like a pro for your accreditation survey. 5 ways to stress less when the surveyor comes calling.

Surgeons' Lounge: Fluid in, fluid out. DIY urinals - Recycle sterile surgical fluid bottles to measure urine output.

Learning to love your EMR. A conversation with a surgeon who took his hospital paperless.

Staffing: Create a team of leaders. "Pit crews" give staff ownership in running the facility.

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