Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2020 Issues

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Clear visibility. Don't let smoke, fog and debris impede your surgeon's view.

Staffing: Deal with difficult employees head on. Deal With Difficult Employees Head On If you can't curb their bad behavior, get rid of the offenders.

Product News

Spend a little time to avoid possible patient infection with this Idea That Works from Nebraska.

Business Advisor: Time to dust off those preference cards. Ensuring they're accurate and up to date pays off in big ways.

Is prolonged fasting hurting your patients? Our survey found that most surgical facilities routinely instruct patients to fast for excessively long pre-op periods

Legal Update: Tapping into the self-insured employer market. Direct contracts with employers cut out insurance's middleman.

Ideas That Work: Innovative ideas. 4 Ways to Boost Your Hand Hygiene Efforts

Practical pearls for surface disinfection. Deploy the proper cleaning agents to eradicate infective agents on your surfaces.

Out of the closet and into the cloud. Tips for cloud computing success.

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