Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2020 Issues

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How safe are your patients? Our survey shows you have a long way to go to provide the level of quality and safety that your patients deserve.

Innovative Ideas: Make patients' escorts feel at home.

Reduce turnover time with this Idea That Works from Houston, Texas.

Keep track of physicians' preferences with this Idea That Works from Springfield, MO.

Behind Closed Doors: You wnow what they say ... Insights on surgery from outside the OR.

7 creative ways to cut your case costs. Smart, simple ideas that save my facility between $50,000 and $100,000 a year.

Keep scrub solution from leaking onto the floor with this Idea That Works from San Diego, California.

In Case You Missed It ... Check out the hottest news and most-read stories from outpatientsurgery.net.

Innovative Ideas That Work - The Right Thing in the Right Place.

Helping patients finance their surgery. Don't get stuck holding the bag when patients need surgery but can't afford their deductibles.

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