Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2020 Issues

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Safety: What good are surgical safety checklists? They're effective only if your team uses them -- and uses them properly.

Try this Idea That Works to measure sedation, depth of breathing and rate of breathing on sedated patients.

Product News

7 hot, new GI devices. Check out these game-changers from Digestive Disease Week's exhibit hall.

You can't count on counts alone. Preventing retained objects not as easy as 1-2-3.

Patient positioning advances. Devices designed to improve the efficiency and safety of even the most complex cases.

Take our barrier protection quiz. Is your staff fully protected from harmful fluids and chemicals?

Medical malpractice: Should patients sign arbitration agreements? They often unknowingly forfeit their right to sue doctors in courts of law.

Protect your employees from harm with this Idea That Works from Boston, Mass.

Business advisor: Ready to tackle block time. A fair-and-square approach to block scheduling your surgeons will love.

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