Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2020 Issues

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Ideas That Work: Show Breast Cancer Patients You Care

Ideas That Work: Hello, My Name Is. Stick Name Tags on Scrub Caps.

Sending Patients Home With Pain Pumps. Peripheral nerve catheters are your secret weapon in the quest for prolonged post-surgical pain control.

4 Advances in Arthroscopy. Your orthopedic surgeons might soon be asking about the latest tools and technologies for improved joint repairs.

Weighing Your Fluid Waste Disposal Options. Are you using the best method for your facility?

Coding & Billing: Yes, You Can Overturn Medical Necessity Denials. 3 keys to challenging - and collecting on - unfair claim denials.

Staffing: An Internship Program for New Surgical Nurses. A look at our immersive, hands-on training course for new RNs.

#MeTooMedicine Exposes Sexual Abuse in Surgery. A nurse stands up to a powerful surgeon and health system.

Tips for Safer Trendelenburg Positioning. Keep patients safe and secure during head-down tilting positions during surgery.

Surgery That Comes With a Warranty. Ensuring successful outcomes could be good for business.

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