Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2020 Issues

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Who's Handling Your Patient Satisfaction Surveys? The postponement of the OAS CAHPS program shouldn't delay your search for a CMS-approved vendor.

Ideas That Work: Pamper Your Staff; /issues/2018/06/ideas-that-work-pamper-your-staff

Patient Education Is Key to Reducing Opioids; When patients are involved in their recovery, they need less pain medication.

5 Innovations in Infection Prevention; To defeat the infectious invaders on the front lines of surgical care, you have to fight dirty.

Product News; Great ideas for your OR

Is It Time to Replace Your C-arm? The newest machines represent a phenomenal improvement.

Behind Closed Doors: Do You Recognize These Disney Villains? These animated characters are probably acting out in your ORs.

Product News

The Brave New World of Bundled Joint Payments - Outpatient Surgery Mag

Editor's Page; Are ASC Sleepovers a Good Idea?

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