Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2020 Issues

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“I’m done,” said my wife, sliding her chair back from the breakfast table on a recent Saturday morning. Or was it Wednesday?...

It’s been nearly two months since the coronavirus began to invade every facet of our day-to-day lives. Heck, it virtually shut down our very livelihood when elective...

Walk into an OR where 4K video is showing on flat screen monitors and try not to gawk. "The quality of the video images displayed in today's ORs are remarkable," says...

Members of our surgical team were particularly grossed out about wearing thyroid shields others had worn during procedures involving intraoperative imaging....

I In our endoscopy department, we make a MESSSS first thing in the morning. The acronym, which we discovered through SGNA, makes it easy to remember the agenda...

On the surface, the decision to standardize your facility's mesh supplies is all about dollars and cents. After all, if you can switch from a couple dozen types of mesh...

Letting valuable members of your staff go has to be the worst part of your job. After all, you entered health care because you have a calling for helping others and no doubt...

Remove smudges and bacteria from video monitors, computer screens or personal devices and help stop the spread of pathogens with the iRoller from SKT Productions....

High-volume surgery centers need to take advantage of any operational enhancements they can to stay ahead of the game. That's why we've become proactive about IV starts...

Reprocessing technicians have one of the most important jobs in an endoscopy center. The complicated and detailed task of cleaning and reprocessing multiple scopes...

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