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Kenneth Levin, MD, was performing his fourth big abdominal case of the day when his neck and back suddenly froze. "The PA looked at me, and I looked at her, and she knew...
Ohthalmology has a long history of innovation, and we're fortunate to have access to several cutting-edge treatments that reduce pain and inflammation after cataract...
Looking for a better way to organize your inventory of frozen tissue grafts? To improve efficiency when preparing for a case, we developed a system that involves placing...
When surveyors come knocking, the worst thing you can do is keep them waiting while you scramble around searching to find the documents they asked to see. That's why...
From late physicians to cases going longer than expected, you can't control the many factors that lead to lengthy, frustrating surgical delays. But you can control how well...
We use a free game app ( to turn ho-hum staff meetings into fun, interactive learning sessions. It's easy to input a series of multiple choice or true-false...
Humidity levels in your ORs should be between 30% and 60%, a range that can be difficult to maintain. That's why I had our HVAC company install a computer program...
The sterile processing department is not an easy place to work. If you want to make sure new sterile processing techs mesh well with the current team and...
Hillrom says its Welch Allyn Spot Vital Signs 4400 device combines a wide breadth of functionality with time-saving efficiency. The device captures temperature,...
Behind Closed Doors: Full Moon Fever; I'm convinced Nurse Luna is to blame for odd OR occurrences.
Healthier Eating Is Within Reach; Patients who optimize their pre-op nutrition are rewarded with better outcomes.
Don't Sweat Accreditation Surveys; Planning and practice will have you prepared instead of panicked when surveyors come calling.
Looking for a fun and effective way to weigh less? Hold your own "Biggest Loser" competition and award the staff members who shed the most pounds....
John Hovanesian, MD, an ophthalmologist at Harvard Eye Associates in Laguna Hills, Calif., sends all his cataract patients opened-ended survey questions, asking them...
Do some of your staff members seem disengaged or distracted? Is someone suddenly showing up late to meetings and unwilling to share their thoughts and feelings...
Why continue to carefully cover instrument trays with blue wrap — making even folds, straightening the edges and neatly taping the package shut — when you can...
The disposable plastic bags we used to use to transport flexible cystoscopes to and from the sterile processing department cost $1.80 each. Each of our four...
Going Green for the Greater Good; Surgical tech Veronica Marella's idea to turn blue wrap into sleep mats for the homeless inspired a nationwide movement.
The heavy use and repeated high-level disinfection flexible endoscopes endure can be problematic. A pinhole in an insertion tube, a drop of moisture collection...
I was recruited to work at New York-Presbyterian Queens Hospital and assigned the task of reducing the rate of surgical site infections among colorectal surgery patients....