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Our hospital used to have an issue with surgical team members wearing scrubs out of the facility, washing them at home and wearing them back to work, habits that went against proper laundering protocols and prevented us...

Have you ever noticed a colleague not following hand hygiene protocols or forgetting to wipe down equipment with the proper cleaning products? It can be uncomfortable to call them out, especially in front of a patient. We use...

Many nursing students aren’t afforded a surgical rotation or clinical observation of an operating room during their schooling, so we created A Day in the Life of an OR Nurse program to showcase how rewarding working in...

There is currently no clear consensus for when it’s safe to operate on patients who are recovering from COVID-19. A baseline was set in March with the publication of an international, multicenter study by the enormous...

AORN guidelines stipulate that hair should be clipped around surgical sites to reduce the risk of infection. To make sure pre-op staff properly clip the right areas, we filled a binder with procedure-specific pages that indicate...

We’ve heard some wonderful stories about facilities that repurposed blue wrap to make sleeping mats and blankets for the homeless, and wanted to do something similar. Our blue wrap was too small to repurpose in that capacity,...

I’ll never forget when I first learned of the world wide web. It was the mid-90s and I was in my college apartment watching Seinfeld when my roommate Rob burst through...

Daniel Gomez, MD, FACOG, FACS, vividly remembers the day during his third year of residency when he was operating with one of his attending physicians. As they were...

William P. Barrett, MD, had a patient scheduled for a knee revision surgery when he ran into a problem. The patient’s joint pain was so great that they desperately needed some...

A week before surgery, the patients of William Ryan Spiker, MD, a board-certified orthopedic spine surgeon with University of Utah Health in Salt Lake City, start receiving daily text messages about their upcoming procedures....

The better surgeons can see anatomy during minimally invasive abdominal procedures, the more precise their work will be. Ultra-high-def camera systems, image-enhancement...

Hand and wrist fracture repairs are rapidly moving from hospital settings to freestanding ambulatory surgery centers because surgeons have proven they can...

Ask a dozen orthopedic surgeons if they prefer to enter the hip from the front or back during joint replacement procedures and you might get a dozen different answers....

Members of the perioperative team at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore work many challenging surgeries on very sick patients, yet can count the number of pressure...

Surgeons undergo years of intense training to learn how to return patients to good health, yet receive little instruction on how to maintain their own well-being. After long...

When most people think of "video," they think screens ?— specifically, their size and whether they have HD or 4K resolution. In an OR, size and resolution are obviously...

A number of converging factors are making robotic abdominal surgery an intriguing prospect for many outpatient facilities. Intuitive's patents on the da Vinci robot...

What do you hope viewers will take away from your Netflix show? I hope they see that surgery is work that requires an extreme amount of empathy....

Once again, the Hot Technology special issue highlights the latest, cutting-edge technology transforming ORs — and the way we care for patients. I've always looked...

Instead of going through the relative inconvenience of driving to in-person appointments three weeks after undergoing joint replacement surgery, more than 90%...

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