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A Primer on Liposuction Techniques - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Sep

Why ASCs Fail - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - November, 2001

How to Code Endoscopic Biopsies with Excisions - Outpatient Surgery Ma

How to Calculate Labor-Adjusted ASC Payment Rates - Outpatient Surgery

The Finer Points of Filling out Claim Forms - Outpatient Surgery Magaz

This Just In... - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - July, 2001

Tips for Preventing Equipment Cross-Contamination - Outpatient Surgery

We Fought Back for Cataracts - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - November,

This Just In - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - October, 2000

Should You Switch to Generic IV Anesthetics - Outpatient Surgery Magaz

How to Bring 4 New ENT Tools and Procedures to Your Facility - Outpati

Refractive Surgery: How You Can Get Involved - Outpatient Surgery Maga

Infection Prevention - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - November, 2002

How to Fast-Track Cataracts - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - October, 2

Insurance Q & A - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - June, 2001

How to Buy Refurbished Instruments with Confidence - Outpatient Surger

Whatever Happened to LASIK? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - November,

Learn to Love Your Pediatric Cases - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - May

How to Select the Proper Packaging - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Aug

Decoding HIPAA: A 6-Point Guide - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - June,

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