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How the Experts Equip Their ORs - Surgical Construction - January, 200

Staffing - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - January, 2009

Letters & E-mails - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - January, 2009

Anesthesia Alert - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - January, 2009

How to Find the Money for Your Construction Project - Surgical Constru

What Do You Know About...Pre-op CHG Showers - Outpatient Surgery Magaz

Dispelling 8 Peripheral Nerve Block Myths - Outpatient Surgery Magazin

The Latest in Surgical Drills and Saws - Outpatient Surgery Magazine -

Physician-owned Hospitals in Washington's Crosshairs - Surgical Constr

Are You Ready to Go Green? - Surgical Construction - January, 2009

Oh, the Lessons I've Learned - Surgical Construction - January, 2009

Free Advice Worth Its Weight in Gold - Surgical Construction - January

The Outlook for Outpatient Surgery - Surgical Construction - January,

Back to Basics - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - January, 2009

How to Conduct a Headlight Trial - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Janua

Surviving a Renovation Project - Surgical Construction - January, 2009

Editor's Page - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - January, 2009

Expert Advice for Adding Retina - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Januar

Can OR Briefings Prevent Errors? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Decem

6 Ways to Improve Hand-rub Compliance - Outpatient Surgery Magazine -

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