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Can You Pass This Pathology Quiz? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Augu

Product News - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - August, 2011

Coding & Billing - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - August, 2011

A Multimodal Approach to Post-Op Pain - Ambulatory Anesthesia - August

Is an Anesthesia Staffing Service Right for You? - Ambulatory Anesthes

The Right Dose, Right On Time - Ambulatory Anesthesia - August, 2011

7 Tips to Turbocharge Your Surgical Safety Checklist - Outpatient Surg

Letters & E-mails - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - August, 2011

Safety - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - August, 2011

Thinking of Buying...Trocars - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - August, 2

Behind Closed Doors - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - August, 2011

Retinal Surgery Success Strategies - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Aug

3 Keys to Managing the Difficult Airway - Ambulatory Anesthesia - Augu

What Caused This Surgical Site Infection? - Outpatient Surgery Magazin

Patient Warming's Link to Faster Discharges - Ambulatory Anesthesia -

Compliance Corner - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - August, 2011

Don't Flash Without a Flash Sterilization Container - Outpatient Surge

4 Ways to Reduce Inhalational Anesthesia Costs - Ambulatory Anesthesia

Infection Prevention - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - July, 2011

Get What's Yours - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - July, 2011

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