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Another Year, Another Success - ORX Proceedings - December, 2012

ORX Debuts One-To-One Summit - ORX Proceedings - December, 2012

Leadership Is the Bottom Line - ORX Proceedings - December, 2012

ORX Tournament of Champions - ORX Proceedings - December, 2012

Take Ownership of the Care You Provide - ORX Proceedings - December, 2

You Call That Infection Prevention? - ORX Proceedings - December, 2012

Don't Be Afraid of Social Media - ORX Proceedings - December, 2012

Networking at night. When the sun went down, the festivities began.

Breaking News - Inside the Deadly Meningitis Outbreak - ORX Proceeding

Medicare's Quality Reporting for ASCs - ORX Proceedings - December, 20

Are You Prepared for The Nursing Shortage? - ORX Proceedings - Decembe

Exhibit Hall Highlights - ORX Proceedings - December, 2012

How to Grow a Regional Program - ORX Proceedings - December, 2012

Only You Can Prevent OR Fires - ORX Proceedings - December, 2012

Low-Temperature Sterilization: Are You In the Know? - Outpatient Surge

Tips for Integrating New Flash Containers - Outpatient Surgery Magazin

A Nerve Block For Every Patient? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Novem

Behind Closed Doors - Petty Grievances - Outpatient Surgery Magazine -

Getting the Big Picture on HD - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - November

Business Advisor - A Tale of 2 ASCs Merging - Outpatient Surgery Magaz

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