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Video Laryngoscopes, are they the standard of care? An online poll revealed that many think they will be, at least during challenging intubations.

Clear hand signals that let everyone know that a patient is ready to be rolled back, an Idea That Works from a surgical center in Texas.

Personal safety: a powerful case for double gloving. Four evidence-based reasons for double gloving might convince your team to try it.

Pain management: Ensure the safety and satisfaction of your chronic pain patients with these tips.

The laryngeal mask airway has revolutionized anesthesia care. Explore best practices, proper care and use of LMAs.

How We're Eliminating Sharps Injuries - Staff & Patient Safety - Octob

The 5 P's of Skin Injury Prevention - Staff & Patient Safety - October

Time to Clear the Air - Staff & Patient Safety - October, 2013

6 Steps to Site Marking Success - Staff & Patient Safety - October, 20

Reduce Your Radiation Exposure - Staff & Patient Safety - October, 201

Managing an MH Crisis - Staff & Patient Safety - October, 2013

What Makes an OR Safe? - Staff & Patient Safety - October, 2013

The Case for a Helping Hand - Staff & Patient Safety - October, 2013

How Do You Prevent Slips & Trips in the OR? - Staff & Patient Safety -

Lessons in Medication Labeling - Staff & Patient Safety - October, 201

Coding & Billing: Inside Breast Reconstructions and Revisions - Outpat

Infection Prevention: Reducing SSIs in Diabetics - Outpatient Surgery

Ideas That Work: Calming Young Patients - Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Patient Safety - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - September, 2013

Behind Closed Doors: The Paradox of Being an OR Nurse - Outpatient Sur

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