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Bring c-arm's imaging power to the bedside. Improved intraoperative imaging is well worth the investment.
Orthopedic robots pay for themselves. Outpatient joint replacement business is booming thanks to new opportunities and better outcomes.
The nose knows: Stop staph where it lurks. For a small cost, nasal decolonization can pack a big punch in the fight against SSIs.
Make room in your budget for whole-room disinfection. Mobile robots hunt down and destroy even the hardiest of multidrug-resistant organisms.
Think outside the box to pump up your purchasing power. Q&A with Thomas Lubotsky, BBA, MHA, FACHE, value-based expert and supply management mastermind.
Can you put a price on the best views in surgery? 4K video is the clear choice for forward-thinking facilities.
Find value in value analysis. Cost-justifying new purchases is essential in today's surgical economy.
Torn between two meshes. Hernia mesh options are no longer just biologics or conventional — you have new options for more complex cases.
ID dirty scopes during transport with this Idea That Works from Baltimore, MD.
Thinking of buying ... Surgical video monitors. 4K is fantastic, but there are also other factors to consider.
Is Obamacare about to get trumped? We won't have to wait long to see how the President-elect's promise to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act will play out.
Get your message across to patients tactfully with this Idea That Works from Atlanta, GA.
Say yes to opioid-free surgery. A hospital eliminated opioids from surgery and removed prescription painkillers from its post-op pain control protocol.
Business Advisor: We posted our prices online (you can, too). Pricing transparency is the surest way to appeal to self-pay patients.
Behind closed doors: Saving the shrew. Don't be a Grinch this holiday season.
Editor's page: follow the money. The math can be tricky in the business of surgery.
28 tips to improve arthroscopy efficiency. Keep cases moving, surgeons happy and profits flowing.
Put a positive spin on getting doctor's reports on time with this Idea That Works from Dallas, TX.
The latest and greatest in anesthesia. The American Society of Anesthesiologists annual meeting was jam-packed with innovative tools and products.
Anesthesia alert: Ever wonder how anesthesia gets paid? A crash course in base units and 15-minute increments of time.