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Who's Looking Out for the Providers? You owe it to your team to reduce the risks of slips, trips and back strains.

Operate Where Everybody Knows Your Name; Q&A with Robert Hackett, MD, anesthesiologist and inspiration of the #TheatreCapChallenge.

Leave Nothing Behind; Combining scanning technology with a meticulous manual count is your best defense against retained objects.

Inside Our Pressure Injury Prevention Program; It's been 2 years and counting since a patient has suffered skin-related harm during surgery.

Set Up for Success in Total Knees; Staff and surgeons at the St. Cloud (Minn.) Surgical Center tap into technology and teamwork to achieve excellent outcomes.

How We Achieve Zero Joint Infections; Our hip and knee replacement patients head home with healthy, healing scars.

What's New in Arthroscopic Visualization, Give your surgeons a crystal clear view of what's happening, when it's happening.

Positioning Pointers From the Pros; Orthopedic surgeons offer their top tips for optimizing access during hip, knee and shoulder procedures.

Should You Be in the Business of Fixing Fractures? Outpatient trauma care is a cost-effective and patient-satisfying option for repairing minor breaks.

Get On Board With Bundled Payments; You can deliver quality outcomes at lower costs - and profit, too -??by managing every aspect of an episode of care.

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