Breaking News

All 2048 Results

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Possibly Linked to Post-Op Delirium - This Jus

Ortho Manufacturer Ordered to Pay Surgeon-Inventor $1.9M - This Just I

Insurer Refuses to Pay Facility Fees to Surgeons - This Just In - Marc

Illinois Surgery Center Fined for Nurses' Use of C-Arm - This Just In

Should GI Doc Be Held Liable for Negligence of His Anesthesiologist? -

Court Says Hospital Can Terminate Pot-Smoking Endoscopy Nurse - This J

OR Insider Helps Patients Shop for Surgeons - This Just In - March, 20

Does Plastic Surgeon's "Jewcan Sam" Video Go Too Far? - This Just In -

Mark the Site Right - This Just In - March, 2012

Study: Opioids After Minor Surgery Can Lead to Addiction - This Just I

Why Did Bank Stop Lending Money to 2 Indian Doctors Who Own Abortion C

Jury Rejects Fatal Abdominoplasty Med Mal Claim - This Just In - March

Did Surgery Center's Small Elevator Cost Patient Her Life? - This Just

Case of the Missing Penile Implant - This Just In - March, 2012

The Most Dangerous Job in Surgery? - This Just In - March, 2012

Manufacturer Sued Over Bone Cement Deaths - This Just In - March, 2012

State Rules Force Office-Based Surgeon Into Hospital ORs - This Just I

Switched Pathology Specimen Results in Errant Prostate Surgery, $1 Mil

Did Surgeon Cover Up His Failure to Remove Patient's Tumor? - This Jus

Michigan Teacher Awarded $2.5M After Failed D&C - This Just In - March

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