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All 2048 Results

Bottom-slapping surgeon hits the bottom Line. Syracuse hospital feels the financial sting of doc's questionable behavior.

Standardizing pediatric surgery through classifications. Levels of care clarify facilities' pediatric surgery abilities.

Sleeve gastrectomy now no. 1 in bariatric surgery. Study finds rate of use has climbed from 6% to 67%.

Wrongly connected tubing a major concern, Says Joint Commission. Sentinel Event Alert cites 117 cases, 21 deaths.

Change coming to GI centers' payment models. AGA President: Now's the time to get a jump on bundled colonoscopy payments.

Black box recorder on its way. New surgical tracking device detects errors, provides feedback.

Drug mix-up blinds patient, spurs malpractice verdict. Cataract patient given methylene blue instead of VisionBlue.

Doctor fined $2,500 for trigger release gaffe. Hand specialist operates on the incorrect finger.

At more than $200K a year, surgeons are highest earners. Healthcare-related fields dominate the top 10.

Drug maker introduces 10 mL propofol. Smaller portions reduce waste and support safety.

Medical and legal relief for OR nurse. Missouri court upholds award after nurse's OR fall and treatment ordeal.

Surgeon fights "Butcher" slur in defamation lawsuit. A chiropractor allegedly badmouthed the orthopod to a patient planning surgery.

Court orders surgeon to pay $40,000 for kicking nurse. He says it was done playfully. She says he has a history of hostile behavior.

Hospital chain, insurer say no to morcellation. University of Pittsburgh group won't do it, Highmark won't pay for it.

Johnson & Johnson asks customers to return morcellators. Impassioned debate accompanies decision.

Could electronic reminders cut infection rates? Researchers explore the use of text messages to ensure patients' pre-op bathing compliance.

Canadian hospital sued over improperly cleaned retractor. 147 bariatric patients may have been exposed to bioburden on retractor.

Sedate by day, pimp by night. Seattle-area anesthesiologist reportedly caught with cash and hookers at residential brothels.

W.Va. pain physician benched for unsafe practices. Dr. Chalifoux reused syringes, didn't wear mask

Suit claims hospital altered consent form in disfigured penis case. Anesthesiologist says surgeon switch left her husband disfigured.

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