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For an easier day in the OR for small bone cases, CONMED has developed a new system that delivers improvements without drawback and convenience without trade-offs....

“Say goodbye to endless waits in the emergency room — New Yorkers now have a fast solution for their urgent orthopedic needs at our Orthopedic Urgent & Sports Medicine...

Everyone is aligned with the idea that endoscopes need to be dried before they’re stored because germs thrive in their long, dark, narrow channels....

Many surgical equipment and instrumentation manufacturers’ instructions for use (IFUs) for cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing their products are not as clear...

It’s easy for leaders to use a particular leadership style that may not actually be effective for their team members or even suit themselves....

Complex tasks require consistent protocols, as even seemingly minor variations can cause critical steps to fall through the cracks....

In most facets of health care, the practical applications of artificial intelligence (AI) are mainly theoretical right now....

Between an aging population and the reduced recommended screening age of 45 for colonoscopies, demand for colorectal and related screenings is increasing....

Albert Einstein once said, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions....”

Facilities, product manufacturers, management groups and professional associations across the country are celebrating National ASC Month in August, a time each year...

The bustling world of health care is characterized by its constant state of flux and unpredictability....

Welcome to A Day in the Life of an Administrator, our online column, where we sat down with Tosha Chapman, RN, ASC and MSCC director of nursing for...

Because I have a mild inflammatory bowel disease, I began having semi-regular colonoscopies in my mid-thirties....

Surgical facilities, of course, provide essential medical services to patients....

August is ASC month and I thought it would be a great time to reflect on my time in the industry....

There are two things that most team members dislike: belittlement when they make mistakes and leadership that isn’t open to ideas from the frontline....

In today’s job market, finding the right talent for your facility is essential, as poor performers and high turnover rates can cripple even the most successful surgery...

When I was in third grade I had surgery for the first time. Surgeons performed a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, a procedure that is also known...

A poster from the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) can help providers understand the differences in what to look for while staging pressure injuries...

Looking for tools and resources to better help seniors prepare for their upcoming procedures at your facility?...

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