This is an article about endoscope reprocessing. You know what that entails by now. Or at least you should. Scopes are wiped down with an enzymatic cleaner at the bedside...
From meticulous bedside pre-cleaning to high-level disinfection, endoscope reprocessing is a complex process that benefits greatly from standardization. That’s no...
The catherization lab built in the new Quincy Medical Group (QMG) Surgery Center is the first of its kind in Illinois and showcases the tantalizing potential of outpatient...
A lot can go wrong when patients are placed in steep Trendelenburg. This high-risk position has many well-known dangers, such as shearing injuries that occur when...
Outpatient Surgery Magazine's eNews Briefs. Bringing you the surgical news you want.
Outpatient Surgery Magazine's eNews Briefs. Bringing you the surgical news you want.
Outpatient Surgery Magazine's eNews Briefs. Bringing you the surgical news you want.
Cataract surgeries are commonplace at Andersen Eye Surgery Center in Saginaw, Mich., so nearly all of the patients the staff care for are well into their autumn years. The senior...
In order for an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocol to work as intended, you often need an extra something that could make some medical professionals a little...
ORX Awards 2021- Environmental Stewardship - Reusability Is the Responsible Choice; Reusability Is the Responsible Choice Houston Physicians’ Hospital ditched blue wrap...
The Surgery Center of Fairbanks was rolling along, kept afloat by revenue from GI cases and other small procedures, while its leadership was blissfully unaware that the...
The eight OR Excellence Award winners profiled on the following pages are top-performing facilities that set the standard for high-quality, cost-effective care....
Florence “SeeSee” Rigney, RN, figures it’s about time to slow down. The spry 96-year-old finally called it a career in July, retiring from MultiCare Tacoma (Wash.) General Hospital...
The opportunity to start a surgical facility from scratch is a rare one for any healthcare provider, so when Brandy Ginzinger, RN, was named director of surgical services at UCF Lake Nona Medical Center in Orlando, Fla.,...
Bonnie Weinberg, MSN, RN, CNOR, is a soothsayer of simulation training. “She truly has a gift,” laughs Donna Lagasi, RN, MS, BSN, director of OR services at The Valley Hospital...
While many facilities were shuttered during the pandemic’s first wave, OMNI Surgery Center’s quick action allowed surgeons to use the facility’s four operating rooms for urgent cases when former New York Governor...
Efforts to ensure members of the LGBTQ+ community feel welcome at Methodist Hospital Metropolitan in San Antonio began five years ago in the maternity ward,...
Outpatient Surgery Magazine's eNews Briefs. Bringing you the surgical news you want.
You were a successful nurse anesthetist when you gained national attention from Dirty John, a podcast about your former husband John Meehan, disgraced CRNA, con man...
At my most recent full-time clinical role in a hospital, there was a significant issue with post-op infections in patients who underwent colon procedures. We instituted...