All 10360 Results

Healthcare workers were outraged last year over the criminalization of a medical error by critical-care nurse RaDonda Vaught, who was found guilty of two felonies, lost her RN license and sentenced to three years of probation...

Construction of any medical facility — a large hospital or a small ambulatory surgery center (ASC) — has one foundational goal: to effectively...

What has changed is the steady growth in awareness among patients and payers about surgery centers and the reliable patient care and positive outcomes they deliver. What hasn’t changed, unfortunately, is the need for...

The ambulatory surgery center (ASC) industry is hyper-focused on growth. It is also, however, littered with the carcasses of facilities that failed by attempting to grow too quickly without enough honest forethought and solid strategic planning....

A study by researchers at Rothman Orthopaedic Institute at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia examines an emerging development in the field of outpatient total joint arthroplasty...

If you’re on the fence about entering the outpatient GI space, a few statistics on colonoscopy cases should be all the convincing you need....

Same-day spine surgery is having a moment right now. From cervical disc replacements to thoracic decompressions to microdiscectomies and more, ASCs across the U.S. are performing spine...

Atlantic Health System of Morristown, N.J., opened its Morristown Medical Center Rockaway Pavilion Ambulatory Surgery Center in November of last year, a 15,000-square-foot facility that boasts four...

Demand for same-day total joint replacements has never been higher for ASCs, thanks in part to a significant decrease in hospital inpatient procedures that began during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and never really let up....

When your own staff entrusts your facility to provide the same type of lifestyle-maintaining care that they’ve helped thousands of patients experience, it’s a real testament to the quality...

Sharona Ross, MD, FACS, became a surgeon in 2007, yet didn’t sit at her first robotics console until 2012. Eleven years later, 99% of her cases, many of them complex cancer procedures, are performed robotically....

Ten years ago, I walked into a meeting with my current business partner, and he listed a handful of goals on a single eight-and-a-half by eleven-inch sheet of paper. A decade later, we’ve achieved all of those original goals....

Every profession has its own secret language, but it’s safe to say our workplace jargon is in a class of its own. We have a storied history of mnemonics, acronyms and devices to recall information on a dime....

The old adage, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail,” feels like it was written specifically for the surgical experience. Whether patients are choosing an elective surgery or in need of emergent surgery...

Accreditation is a crucial element of a successful ASC. It positions a new facility to receive Medicare funding in months, compared to potentially waiting for a year or more to receive certification from your...

It has happened to me throughout my entire career. I’d walk into a different department to see a patient before surgery and be mistaken for a housekeeper, transporter or dietary staff member....

When a number I didn’t recognize lit up my phone’s screen and interrupted the classic Stone Temple Pilots Unplugged concert that had been getting me through yet another dreary November day...

Amy Avila, RN, CCRN, CSC, has a simple suggestion that can help perioperative healthcare workers decompress: Get a little artistic, even if you’re not a natural....

Want a simple way to make sure your staff recycles more? Make sure cans are easily accessible and visible. Knoxville (Tenn.) Orthopaedic Surgery Center utilizes recycling trash cans in its staff lounges...

If your staff always finds itself in need of an open outlet that never seems to exist, here’s a simple fix: Power strips that can be mounted to IV poles, mobile carts and modular workstations...

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