The very real benefits of real-time imaging. Working with constantly updated pictures of anatomy allows for safer, more efficient surgery.
Colon cancer doesn't stand a chance. Improved optics and mechanical innovations are revolutionizing colonoscopy screenings.
Ready for a robot? New technology is improving robotic surgery -- although questions still linger about its use.
Let UV light shine. Small but mighty superbug-zapping robots that decontaminate the surfaces you missed are the newest craze in infection prevention.
The promise of phaco-less cataract surgery. Femtosecond lasers continue to revolutionize the procedure's potential.
A black box in every OR. Surgery can take a lesson from aviation, says the surgeon who invented a device that records every step of surgery.
The melding of health care and technology is inevitable. Q&A with Rafael Grossmann, MD, FACS, healthcare futurist and Google Glass Explorer.
Seeing is believing. Brilliant high-def monitors and stunning 3D images are revolutionizing surgical video's eye-popping potential.
HHS suggests CMS implement site-neutral payments for outpatient surgery. So far, CMS has disagreed with the suggestion to cut hospital payments to ASC rates.
Sugammadex FDA approval pushed back again. Merck had expected approval to be imminent.
Insurer penalized for incomplete colonoscopy coverage. N.Y. investigation found patients on the hook for anesthesia services.
Patient sues, claims she was raped during colonoscopy. No evidence supports these "false claims," says clinic.
Nurse accused of sodomy in PACU. Recovering patient emerged from anesthesia to the alleged assault.
Patient says CRNA stalked her after surgery. He says she's getting even because he spurned her advances.
Bill seeks to exempt surgery centers from counting toward 50% threshold. Physicians who work in ASCs would avoid Medicare "meaningful use" payment penalties.
Deadly superbug-related scopes sold without FDA approval. FDA: Olympus never obtained permission to sell the duodenoscope connected to 2 superbug deaths.
Prepare like a pro for your accreditation survey. 5 ways to stress less when the surveyor comes calling.
Surgeons' Lounge: Fluid in, fluid out. DIY urinals - Recycle sterile surgical fluid bottles to measure urine output.
Medical Malpractice: Are you getting the full picture on your docs? You have to look long and hard to verify a physician's credentials.
6 patient safety enhancers. Give your staff the tools they need to prevent harm.