Ideas That Work: Shielded From Harm


Build Your Own Intubation Box

Anesthesia providers are placing intubation boxes between themselves and the patients they're intubating to serve as a barrier against COVID-19-containing aerosolized particles that are expelled into the air when providers secure airways. Intubation boxes are easy and relatively inexpensive to build. At the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, I saw a post online about how to build an intubation box ( Hsien Yung Lai, the Taiwanese anesthesiologist who designed it, didn't have time to produce the box for providers but wanted his idea to be used. My dad is a Lincoln Fire & Rescue (LFR) battalion chief and handy, so we made 10 boxes together in his garage. One box went to the surgery center where I work; three went to LFR; three went to emergency rooms in the community; and three went to a nearby hospital. The recipients paid for the materials, which cost about $125. The boxes increase staff safety and are easily cleaned with alcohol or bleach.

Hillary Bonin, CRNA
Star Anesthesia, Nebraska Surgery Center
Lincoln, Neb.
[email protected]

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