Ideas That Work: Fun Facts Matching Game


How Well Do You Know Your Staff?

Here’s a neat way to boost team morale: Ask each employee to submit a fun fact about her life away from work, then list the interesting tidbits down one side of a sheet of paper and the employees’ names in random order down the other. Hand out copies of the sheet at a staff meeting and give your team about a week to match the fun facts to the right person. Awarding a small prize to the staff member who makes the most correct matches is a nice gesture, but the real team building occurs as staff joke and laugh while trying to guess who’s who. We’ve found that the game creates a new energy level and lightens the mood within the facility. Staff members also appreciate the opportunity to learn more about their colleagues, and enjoy talking about the interesting aspects of their own personal lives.

Tami Robinson, RN, BSN, MSN, CNOR
Unity Surgery Center
Lafayette, Ind.
[email protected]

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