Ideas That Work: Must-Have Supplies vs. Might-Need Supplies

Ireneanna Kavanaugh, RN DIVIDE AND CONQUER Ireneanna Kavanaugh, RN, Lakeland Surgical's OR manager, reviews supplies separated into "use items" and "available items" categories.

Must-Have Supplies vs. Might-Need Supplies

Here's a smart, economical way to pull for a case. Place the supplies a surgeon always uses in a plastic bin (labeled "use items") and bag the supplies that have to be on hand just in case they're needed (labeled "available items"). Bring both the bin and the bag to the OR. That way nurses won't have to leave the room mid-procedure to hunt down little-used supplies the surgeon ends up requesting. At the end of the case, a nurse or tech can take the unused bagged supplies back to central supply for restocking. Plus, any staff member who helps to set up a case can easily tell which items should be opened and which should remain in their packaging. If your physicians' preference cards are up to date, this is a great way to streamline case set-up and ensure you don't open and waste unneeded items.

Nikki Williams, RN, CNOR
Lakeland (Fla.) Surgical & Diagnostic Center
[email protected]

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