The case for robotic-assisted total knee replacement. Incredible precision levels the playing field among surgeons and improves long-term outcomes.
Who are the best candidates for same-day joints? Set a foundation for success by selecting suitable patients.
5 ways to control post-op pain. Effective pain management will set your joint replacement program apart.
Understanding your implant options. What you need to know before sifting through the countless versions of hip and knee hardware.
Safe at home. Ensuring rehab goes smoothly in the weeks after surgery is the final piece of the patient care puzzle.
Reimbursement, robots and patient selection. Q&A with Sharat Kusuma, MD, joint replacement specialist and surgical consultant.
Letters & E-mail. Talk back or sound off at [email protected]
What eye docs want in a laser cataract system. If you're in the market for a laser cataract platform, here's what to look for.
Product news.
Ideas that work: scrub sink bins. Remind staffers to don protective eyewear.
Ideas that work: timeout X2. Pause after you reposition patients.
How would you handle these real-life emergencies? Preparing for the unthinkable in your facility.
Editor's page. What a ride it's been for Nurse Nancy Burden.
Fair and equal pay? As your level of responsibility rises, your paycheck should keep pace.
Cutting remarks: Why do patients blow off their surgeries? They don't have a ride home or maybe they're getting cold feet.
Ideas that work: waiting room. Our EMR keeps patients' escorts in the loop.
Behind closed doors: The power of positive thinking. A little attitude adjustment can turn that frown upside down.
Your guide to enzymatic cleaners. A quick introduction to the science behind these bioburden-busters.
Medical malpractice. Talking your way out of a lawsuit.
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