Content is king and serving you is key at OR Excellence. A conference you'll be glad you attended.
What if a killer walked into your facility? Prepare for the worst to keep your patients, staff and surgeons safe.
Are you ready for the Tournament of Champions? Test your knowledge of all things surgical in our fun, informative game-show format.
Patient Safety: 54 years of progress ... or stasis? Leadership and culture change are needed to turn the tide.
Substance abuse in surgery. Providers with alcohol and drug problems put themselves, and their patients, at risk.
You're going to love OR Excellence. Fast facts about surgery's friendliest conference and the gorgeous resort.
Making of a healthcare leader. Providing patient care and managing surgical services are very different worlds.
Schedule at a Glance - ORX Session Previews - June, 2016
Fear: The hidden killer. Being afraid to speak up cripples communication, prevents teamwork and leads to tragic results.
Join the price transparency revolution. Are you ready to post your prices online? Your patients are watching and waiting.
Ethical decision-making during a disaster. Do you agree with the life-and-death choice made by the medical staff of one New Orleans hospital in the desperate days after Hurricane Katrina?
UnitedHealthcare accused of withholding payments to Indiana ASCs. The insurer says it's merely recouping past overpayments.
ACS improves its Surgical Risk Calculator. The popular online tool will be modified later this year to become even more accurate.
When small hospitals outperform big hospitals. Study shows several common procedures performed at rural facilities are safer and less expensive.
A cataract surgeon can't be blamed for failure of anesthesia providers, jury finds. Suit was brought by patient who moved twice during cataract surgery, causing complications.
California out-of-network ASCs granted $9.5 million settlement in United Healthcare underpayment case.
Joan Rivers's family settles malpractice suit. Joan Rivers's docs accept blame, agree to pay "substantial" amount. Anesthesiologist's notes detailed the chaotic series of events that preceded Ms. Rivers's death.
IMQ to survey Medicare- and Medicaid-deemed surgical centers. The Institute for Medical Quality can now survey ASCs treating Medicare patients to ensure CMS regulatory compliance.
Video surveillance captures anesthesiologist removing drug vials, but also exposes many female patients. Doc says other videos would clear him; hospital says it can't compromise "vulnerable, exposed" patients
iOS app coming soon for cataract surgeons. Bausch + Lomb, IBM putting data at docs' fingertips.