Your team looks to you for guidance, especially during times of change or turmoil. As a leader, you need to maintain the lines of communication and practice an open-door...
The puzzle of superior surface disinfection is never solved....
Boston Children’s Hospital is renowned for its exemplary care on many fronts, including surgery....
Manual cleaning done properly is effective for eradicating microorganisms....
For surgical facilities, the world of sterile processing is a complex web of carefully managed protocols, people, supplies, scheduling and technology....
Ask Kimberly Candray, CIC, BS, MT(ASCP), why universal nasal decolonization should be a standard component of every facility’s SSI prevention bundle, and you’ll get a...
We know that a zero-tolerance approach for surgical sight infections (SSIs) is what keeps our patients safe, but we also understand that even the slightest change in our...
Preoperative skin prepping removes potentially harmful bacteria and microorganisms from the patient’s skin before the surgeon makes an incision....
As inpatient procedures continue to shift to outpatient surgery centers, the need for heightened SSI prevention strategies, implementation, monitoring and collaboration...
Growing demand for anesthesia services at ASCs is being met with a dwindling supply of anesthesia providers....
Improvements in both workflow and staff attitudes are part of a leader’s responsibilities, but your interventions in these areas don’t need to be major to make...
The ASC market continues its rapid growth. In 2023, roughly 116 new ASCs opened in the U.S., many of which were orthopedic-specific in nature....
In her 24 years as a nurse at Penn Medicine, Connie Croce has seen the evolution from open to laparoscopic to robotic surgery....
Through my decades of researching, testing and helping implement healthcare design solutions, I’ve learned an important lesson: A human-centered and evidence-based...
The moment the decision is made to build a new ambulatory surgery center there’s a rush to get to the finish line and open up to the public as quickly as possible....
Some leaders, especially those who possess strong empathy and emotional intelligence, can funnel themselves into a trap....
The Orthopedic Institute, a value-based partnership between the independent Twin Cities Orthopedics (TCO) practice and the Ridgeview health system, opened its doors...
A generational gap has formed in the workplace and beyond between the twentysomethings of Gen Z and seemingly everyone else....
The date was set for Knee Replacement No. 1, aka “Laverne....”
In March, the Outpatient Surgery Magazine editors headed down to Nashville to attend AORN Global Surgical Conference & Expo, the 71st edition of the popular event....