Leave Nothing Behind; Combining scanning technology with a meticulous manual count is your best defense against retained objects.
Who's Looking Out for the Providers? You owe it to your team to reduce the risks of slips, trips and back strains.
Operate Where Everybody Knows Your Name; Q&A with Robert Hackett, MD, anesthesiologist and inspiration of the #TheatreCapChallenge.
5 Ways to Slash Sharps Injuries; Take a proactive approach to protect surgeons and staff from sticks and cuts.
Focus on the Fundamentals Of Radiation Safety; Understanding the principles of time, distance and shielding will limit your team's exposure risks.
Sign the Right Correct Site; It takes plenty of planning and persistence to ensure surgeons always hit the mark.
How Safe Is Your Sterile Processing Department? Protect your reprocessing team from these 5 injury risks.
Spread the Word About Surgical Smoke Safety; My evacuation success story could guide efforts to clear the OR air in your facility.
Are You Ready to Manage MH? Good planning and plenty of practice will help you stay calm, cool and collected when stress levels rise.
How will you protect your staff if there's an active shooter in your facility? We've trained our staff using the FBI-endorsed Run, Hide, Fight protocol. If staff can't safely evacuate...
There's a universe of surgical monitors out there of varying sizes, features and functionality. Where do you start in evaluating your options? As a healthcare equipment...
At our ASC, 15% to 20% of our patients speak Spanish as their primary language. For many years, we've partnered with East Tennessee State University's (ETSU) Language...
Before critical procedures like our high-volume thyroidectomies, we gather a multidisciplinary team to play a game of "What Could Go Wrong?" in which we discuss...
Two words that strike fear in the heart of every OR manager: open time. That, of course, is when your ORs sit silent and empty while it's standing-room only in the staff...
There were boxes of suture hiding everywhere at AdventHealth Surgery Center Lenexa (Kan.), some opened and some outdated, some stored on the big suture cart...
The winner of this year's OR Excellence Award for Patient Satisfaction goes to great lengths to get patients to fill out their post-op surveys and even greater lengths to...
We've shaved some precious minutes off our turnover times by creating a "runner" position to help the RN, surgical tech and the 1 to 2 instrument techs we staff for each...
Lasers are powering numerous procedures at eye surgery centers — cataracts, glaucoma, astigmatism, cornea and retina among them — with more on the way....
The patient is prepped and draped, and I'm seated to begin my charting. Only then do I realize that I've forgotten to record the serial number of the SCD box. I'd have to hop...
However wonderful it might (or might not) be for healthcare pricing to be transparent, what does it matter if you have no clear understanding of related costing and other...