The business and administrative staff play a pivotal role in every surgery center’s success....
Transitioning from a perioperative nurse to a leadership role in an Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) presented me with numerous challenges, but none were as daunting...
Welcome to A Day in the Life of an Administrator, our online column, where we sat down with Cynthia Wiersema, director of nursing at NANI Vascular in Fort Wayne, Ind...
There is a myriad of ways to participate in National Nurses Week, which is celebrated May 6-12, from honoring your staff RNs with a gift or event to taking steps to let...
Surgical facilities across the country are gearing up to participate in Patient Safety Awareness Week from March 10-16....
Have you noticed one of your co-workers staying late to help another colleague, or taking time to walk with a patient’s family member rather than just pointing them...
Provider stress and burnout didn’t just magically disappear following the end of the pandemic. It did, however, stress to health systems that providers need time...
The COVID-19 pandemic forced us all to adjust and adapt on the fly like never before in an endless variety of ways personally, socially and professionally....
Welcome to A Day in the Life of an Administrator, our online column, where we sat down with Deidre Frizzell, BSN, RN, director of clinical services...
As an ASC administrator, I hold a special place in my heart for those team members—— who have been instrumental in running and elevating the success of our surgery...
The holiday season is upon us, and there’s no better time to shower your dedicated staff with gifts to show your appreciation for their hard work....
Nurturing and maintaining a vibrant, positive culture remains essential for an ASC and can largely determine whether it flourishes or it fails....
Communication plays a vital and often underappreciated role in the healthcare equity equation....
Feeding busy hard-working staff is a common tactic leaders use to show their appreciation and boost morale....
All staff members at NANI Vascular in Fort Wayne, Ind., are required to wear hospital-laundered scrubs to maintain a professional and compliant environment....
Does your OR have a plethora of unused, wasted supplies? Instead of throwing your surgical drapes, ACE bandages, cotton padding and sterilization wrap...
Six questions should be enough for any member of your staff to OK important decisions and get critical initiatives rolling....
My role embodies all things safety. I’m responsible for promoting safe behaviors, raising awareness about potential hazards, encouraging reporting, auditing...
Making improvements to your facility’s safety culture is no easy task. While healthcare staff work hard to provide the best care for their patients, safety continues...
Healthcare providers come to work every day to help and heal. When there’s an unexpected outcome — especially one that harms a patient — they tend to be...