Are You Overpacking? - Surgical Supplies - October, 2007
Tailoring the Prep Every Time - Surgical Supplies - October, 2007
Reduce Waste in Draping - Surgical Supplies - October, 2007
What Is Storage Really Costing You? - Surgical Supplies - October, 200
Secrets of a Successful Glove Trial - Surgical Supplies - October, 200
Safety Sharp Solutions - Surgical Supplies - October, 2007
Why Scrub When You Can Rub? - Surgical Supplies - October, 2007
3 Steps to Right-sizing Your Suture Stock - Surgical Supplies - Octobe
What Is Your Best Advice for Buying Gowns and Masks? - Surgical Suppli
What Is Your Best Advice for Buying Needles? - Surgical Supplies - Oct
What Is Your Best Advice for Buying Prepping Products? - Surgical Supp
Making Procedure Packs Work For You - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Ju
Crash Course on Surgical Glues - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - May, 20
What Is Your Best Advice for Buying Surgical Gloves? - Surgical Suppli
Thinking of Buying...Surgical Gowns - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Ja
What Strategies Have You Used to Standardize Your Surgical Packs? - Su
Supply Help At Your Fingertips - Surgical Supplies - October, 2003
What's New in Sutures - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - April, 2004
What Is Your Best Advice for Buying Blades and Knives? - Surgical Supp
What Is Your Best Advice for Buying Wound Closure Devices? - Surgical