364 Results for Staff Safety

Website takes aim at curbing musculoskeletal injuries from patient handling and moving. OSHA launches new website to protect hospital workers.

8 questions on the rules that protect your staff. Get the point of sharps safety.

Pay attention to OR Ergonomics. Laparoscopic surgery can be a nightmare for surgeons.

Lawsuit: Nurse Injures Back While Preventing Patient from Sliding Off

Personal safety: a powerful case for double gloving. Four evidence-based reasons for double gloving might convince your team to try it.

Time to Clear the Air - Staff & Patient Safety - October, 2013

How Do You Prevent Slips & Trips in the OR? - Staff & Patient Safety -

The Case for a Helping Hand - Staff & Patient Safety - October, 2013

ABC's of C-Arm Safety - Orthopedic Surgery - August, 2013

Where Do You Stand With Safety Scalpels? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine

Are Your ORs Hurting Your Docs? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - May, 2

OSHA Fines N.J. ASC for "Serious" Sharps Safety Violations - This Just

Ex-Surgical Tech Loses Battle With Scalpel Shield, Scalpel Maker - Thi

Smoke Evacuation Success Stories - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Janua

Real Sharps Injuries, Real Solutions - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - J

Thinking of Buying ??? Safety Sharps - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - D

Safety - 5 Keys to Running Effective Fire Drills - Outpatient Surgery

Best Practices for C-Arm Safety - Employee & Patient Safety - October,

Our Hands-Off Approach to Sharps Safety - Employee & Patient Safety -

Stay on Your Feet - Employee & Patient Safety - October, 2012

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